
Slurry Pit Rap

We wrote a Slurry Pit Rap to teach everyone about the dangers around a slurry pit. We made a video of the rap and posted it on our school facebook page and youtube channel for every one to see.   

Module 3 Tractor and Machinery Safety

We learned all about Tractor and Machinery Safety. We completed worksheets for our farm Safety scrap book and we designed posters.  

Module 2 Animal Care and Safety

We watched Animal Care and Safety videos and completed the worksheets  

Module 3 Quad Bikes

                                             Quad bikes  We learned about quad bikes and that what you have to were you have to were a helmet suit gloves boots glasses and long sleeved  high vis. We also learned about that you cant have anyone in the back of the atv you have to be over 16 years old, check ground make sure its clean, Wear safety equipment, check that your brakes work and inspect your vehicle and make sure you have a spar wheel in the back of the atv and make sure children under 16 aren't allowed on it and keep out of way.         

Module 3 Tractor Rules

Hello and welcome back to Farm safety. Today the Junior room learned tractor safety's .As much as we think farms are safe. Unforunatetly  they're actually not. The most accidents happen with tractors and machinery on farms so it's best if we  learn some rules. Rule no.1 Always wear a seatbelt. No.2 Don't  let children on the back of a quad no.3 Don't let a child in a operating tractor. No.4 Make sure your tractors tires are not flat.No.5 Make sure the tractor is in park mode before checking the tractor No.6You have to be seven to ride in a tractor 14 to ride the tractor on the farm.And 16 to be able to ride it on the road  

Module 3 Tractor Checklist

Tractor checklist is a check you should do before you go on a tractor.                                                                                                        We are doing tractor work sheets and work about it.