Hairy Henry Visit

   Hairy Henry was a horse that came to our school he was from a care farm called hairy Henry they brought a sheep two donkeys a dog called Turnip , a horse , a bunny and a guinea pig. We brushed the donkeys the sheep and the horse.We made Turnip do some tricks like make him sit. The bunny was so soft and fluffy. The horse Henry was massive. He also went to the toilet at our school.His bladder was very full it took him two minutes to take a pee. It was very fun meeting farm animals at our school.

                                                   This was us brushing the donkeys

                                             This was a pupil in junior infants and Henry the horse.

                                                     This is turnip and three pupils 

                               This is us brushing Henry some people plated his hair and 
                                           some people just plaited his hair.

This is a pupil in second class with the

                                                   This is a pupil in fourth class with the guinea pig

                                            This is the sheep and the donkey


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